My love for travelling, exploring new places of interest, making discoveries in cultures has always been a passion many are yet to experience. I have been to several tourist sites across the country yet on each other visit, I discover something different. A newness, which was not there on my last visit though sometimes hidden but others times is displayed boldly. From meeting people, food, music, the drive and the sheer abundance of life unending, displayed in its grandiose elegance, in bold fresh green or brown and the majesty with which the mountains stand, it peak shattering the icy clouds and winking at the vast blue skies is nothing short of breathtaking.
Tourism affords all of these for little. The closest we get to nature, the wider our understanding of what life has to offer. The closest we get to history, the better our views and fondness of the distant and immediate past. With these we make informed decisions about the future. A future that presents what it has to offer because of what it has been given.
So, when next you travel, look out for the subtleties which make you want to come back. They are your money and times worth.